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Anti-Oxidant Ball ORP Filter

Model: ORP



Inline ORP filters help reduce the Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) of water by introducing a media that promotes electron transfer, thus reducing the water's oxidative properties.

By lowering the ORP, these filters may increase the water's antioxidant properties, which can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and potentially reduce oxidative stress.

Inline ORP filters can enhance water quality by reducing chlorine, chloramines, and other oxidizing agents, improving taste and odor while promoting a healthier drinking experience.

Increases ORP UP TO -300 mV | Increases H+ UP TO 1200 (ppb) | Increases PH+ UP TO 9.5

Water with lower ORP values is believed to be more easily absorbed by the body at a cellular level, promoting better hydration and overall well-being.

ORP Ball Use For Water Treatment:

Magnesium ORP ball (Oxidation-Reduction Potential ball) 

creation involves selecting special magnesium-rich minerals, purifying them, subjecting them to high temperatures for calcination, shaping them into small balls, and polishing them. 

Negative potential ORP ball Work Principle:

Magnesium + H2O will produce bubbles of hydrogen, resulting in the creation of negatively charged alkaline water. Simultaneously, magnesium undergoes a reaction with water to produce Mg(OH)2. The reaction formula is Mg + H2O = Hydrogen + Mg(OH)2. The Mg(OH)2 continues to react with water, producing magnesium ions, which are essential elements for the human body.

  • The pH value of Negative Potential Water is alkaline. It is easy to balance lactic acid levels because of body fatigue.

  • The concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in Negative Potential Water is higher, constituting a beneficial health element for the body.

  • Due to the high solubility of negative potential water and its strong osmotic properties, it possesses the capacity to emulsify body grease. Therefore, it is beneficial for relieving symptoms of high cholesterol, hyperlipidemia, and high blood viscosity resulting from a high-protein, high-calorie diet.

  • The ORP ball exhibits a strong oxidant reduction potential function. When in contact with water, it breaks up water molecules into OH- ions, enabling the production of negative potential pure water (ORP 0~-500 mV) to invigorate cells and maintain health. It aids in clearing chromate, nitrite, heavy metals, and inert metals, which are harmful to the body.

  • It removes "oxygen free radicals" from water, generating active hydrogen.

  • Negative Potential Water can control the reproduction of microorganisms, including germs and algae. It can be used in farms, oceanariums, swimming pools, etc.

  • Hydrogen water is a new trend. It's been a big trend in Japan for many years, where it's known as "Shin'nooru solution" since the 1960s. In 2015, Japan's health ministry approved hydrogen-infused saline IVs for medical use to help treat everything from dehydration to serious infections.

  • When you ingest the hydrogen gas, it acts as an anti-inflammatory and portion of the hydrogen molecule has antioxidant activity. It helps turn your cells into "an antioxidant factory", boost energy, recover from a workout, lower inflammation, and slow the aging process.

Test Data:
  • Add 25.10g beads into 500ml water

Time (Min)

H+ (ppb)
























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